Tips for Driving in the UK

The UK is one of the world's most popular destinations with numerous attractions located beyond major city centers. Get familiar with local rules, signs, and types of rental cars available before you embark on your journey.


Unique Road Signs

Every country has unique road signs. To fully – and safely – enjoy your stay, please familiarize yourself with local signs and regulations before you drive. Below is a sampling of signs unique to the UK. Visit and search “Know Your Traffic Signs” for a more complete compilation of UK road signs.

Fuel Your Adventure

Gas stations can be few and far between in rural areas with almost none of them offering 24/7 service. It’s a good idea to refill once your tank is half empty.

Rules Of The Road

• Stay on the left side of the road. (It helps to keep a small post-it note saying “stay left” on the dashboard.)
• Pass traffic islands to the left.
• Only use a roundabout clockwise.
• Take a left turn when accessing a motorway and remember to join traffic on your right side.

Avoid Congestion

Travel agents can help you know when and where to avoid high congestion areas. Also note there is a congestion charge imposed on any car driving into central London. It can be much better to park at a station and take the underground.

Park Smart

Illegally parked cars will be quickly immobilized by clamps or towed away, and only released after a hefty fee is paid. Don’t make this part of your experience!


Car Rental Locations

You’ll find an Enterprise Rent-A-Car location perfect for your adventure.
• Airport: Begin the trip as soon as you arrive. Airports are usually located near major roadways that will allow you to get on the road quickly.
• Neighborhood: Great for day trips or to begin your journey after a visit to a major city.
• Train Station: Rent at a train station to explore a region further.

Automatic and Manual Transmissions

Manual transmissions are more common internationally. Make sure to specify an automatic if required.

Legal Requirements for Driving in the UK

• The minimum driving age is 17, however the minimum age to hire a car is 25. The minimum age is 30 for MPVs, premiums, and 4x4s.
• At unmarked crossings the car from the right will have right of way, the same goes for cars already in a roundabout. Additional stop signs or markings on the road surface will help you. When exiting a roundabout, you should be in the outside lane.
• No ‘Right on Red’. In the UK, you may not pass through a red traffic light.
• Seat belts are compulsory in front and rear seats.
•It is illegal to use a mobile phone when driving if it is not used with a hands-free device.
• Liability coverage will be included in the daily rental rate for North American renters. You can also purchase a Damage Waiver to reduce your financial responsibility for any damage to or loss of the rental vehicle.

Accident With Another Vehicle?

Call 0845 600 5323

24-Hour Roadside Assistance

Call 0800 316 0977
(Or call the location where you rented the vehicle)


Enterprise Plus

•Include the Enterprise Plus number at the time of reservation to earn points on qualifying rentals in Europe. Members can redeem points for free rental days at thousands of participating Enterprise® locations worldwide.

Emerald Club

• Emerald Club® makes the car rental experience faster with Priority Service. Include the Emerald Club member number at the time of reservation to earn credits toward free days on qualifying rentals.


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